sees no need to distinguish between straight photography and
multiple images, or between film and digital. Any and all
of these approaches can come to bear on the final piece. I
see myself more as an image-maker than just a photographer.
All the tools and machines used are often only a part of the
process. Using steel wool, fire, scans and duct tape help
me be in the moment, to let innocence take over. Thats
when interesting things are free to happen.
Joshs training is definitely old school, hands on and
physical cut this-paste that. But newer styles seem
to fit in well with his theory of embellishment and stream
of consciousness. I can be a little more spontaneous
and compare experiments faster. Inventive images are what
a well-known stock agency said of my pieces a while back and,
frankly, they werent interested. I wasnt straight
enough. I took this as a professional compliment.
If we are not to invent, innovate, inspire, and interpret
our world, then what are we to do? I say make stuff that pushes
the status quo and let go!